Sunday, June 17, 2007

Trip To Moab

My trip to Moab was pretty good. Had fun with Jawaad's family. Especially kids were great, cuz they were seeing the dead horse point the very first time in life. They were very happy and asking so many good questions.

Early morning wehen we were about to leave; we locked ourselves out. Jawaad like always was in a hurry and was not able to manage everything. So we ditched; forgot the car keys inside. Bad part was that he misbehaved somebody for no aparent reason.

Lesson: A person should control himself, and be respectful to others no matter what. I think Jawaad is a very good person, and he didnt intend to do it. I think it was a good example of a situation where he would lose control of himself and wouldn't know that he is being disrespectful to other person who has a right to be treated fairly and respectfully.

I strongly dislike his this habit.

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