Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our Social Behaviors - some observations

1) We may ask for help when drowning and be saved but we always forget to be thankfu to that same person. Infact at times we may participate in cutting the hand he/she used to save us...What a shameful act...what a lowly way of thinking?

2) We may use a person until we need him/her; once objectives accomplished we have a dont care attitude.

3) We make friends for our insecurities, we oblige them for the purposes; friendships based on "friendships" are rare.

4) We expect more than we deliver; and if needed we blackmail the person being exploited through relationships, emotions, and whatever works.

5) We pray to God, but we dont care how we treat people. So we can be truely unjust to somebody and do something shearly wrong to a person, and the next moment we are praying to God...I dont understand how it reflects the ethics and religion, and what kind of connection to God is it? it "using" God as well?

6) We are not willing to learn from anybody no matter what the outcome is.

I pity on all the losers that I have stated above, and I am sure they will see what life brings to them for what they do to people and how they use people through their emotional stunts; they can use those stunts once, but not always......

they are all assholes......and investing any relation in them is a perfect rip off to yourself...

blood sucking bastards................

1 comment:

saadia said...

let us not abuse anyone!
love u