Saturday, January 19, 2008

"not mature and ignorant"

At times we behave very emotionally undevelopped rather juvenile who is not ready to understand that he/she could be wrong. The intensity of immaturity is such that any possibility of making a mistake is not even close....and one assumes "O I am so perfect".

So this person is damn arrogant and this arrogance does not go away untill he/she experiences humility or some kind of meeknes or situational lowliness through real-life experiences. It is a very interesting human behavior, where people when defensive they stop learning and start hurting themselves.

Some thoughtful person once said...The process of learning starts with the phrase "I don't know" and it stops at "I know" when a person during the criticism keeps saying "I know"...the argument should be dropped right there...assuming the listener is not ready to learn...

With this bulge of fake assumptions in a small brain, we tend to brake every wall of criticism that faces us assuming we are so good, yet not realizing that the criticism may be useful for the future encounter of this situation and may be there is something to learn there.

Another part of over confidence that relates an over confident person to ignorence is "forgetting" what to talk. An overconfident person is like an intoxicated dimwit who doesnt know what he is talking about....and he/she would just try to prove the point regardless......this is quite ignorant....people who have this problem go through embarassment manytimes in life before they actually learn something, which is miserable. I have seen a couple of them personally too....

What can I say more...blindfolded...assuming the storm is not coming....assuming they have not made any mistake...and even if they know they made a mistake, they wont listen to themselves....assuming everything is hunky dory in life....not showing the relaity to the world...just living a fake life......all of this come with this overconfidence..... and ignorance.

usually these kind of people dont know how to communicate impressively.

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