Friday, January 18, 2008

Too many cooks

Last night I was watching a program on Muharram on Geo TV. A clerik was addressing to people, and people were praising him for saying things that they like.

The challenge is that few hours later another clerik was addressing to same kind of gathering...and posing the same event in a slightly different fashion...while a few days ago I saw some other clerik doing the same thing.

I sometime feel that Islam has been hijacked..........and I feel nervous and confused when I see all these people who have so much to say, and each individual has his own set of details.

Some of the details you hear from them is in the fictional form where they tell a story, and in some cases a person "wonder" how do you know that in the stroy "certain" character made that do u know the exact details of event happening centuries ago so precisely that you can actually tell the postures of a character in that narration. I doubt if it is possible in today's world when we have all these media and info revolutions....these kind of details are always lost. there are so many cleriks that it is very difficult to get one point of view, and everyone interprets things differently; which one is right? How do I know?

Similarly you go to one mosque; they have a different opinion; you go to another, they look at things from a different lens and it goes on......

Some of the mosques backhome announce the hatered against the other sects; and everyone seems to claim that "they" are the righteous.....I dont want to expand this narration by involving christianity here as well...although i believe they have the same issues...for example if we compare Orthodox church, catholic church, and Latter Day Saint (Mormon) individuality they claim they have the truth...but each one claims the other two are wrong.....

What do you do in this situation?

It is a mess.....and at least among the scholars no one seems to be solving this one seems to understand how a "layman" /"common person" who doesn carry a bulk load of religious info may get I am!

IF you ask me....I have no clue what is going on...and I am lost.......

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